World Peace


My mother’s father, Nykola, told this story….

“My grandpa said the fate of the world depends on pysanky and told this memorable story that, as a young boy, appealed vividly to my imagination. He said high up on a dangerous mountain an ugly, evil monster lives. Heavy chains anchor it to a rock cliff. It feeds on evil thoughts and actions and grows fiercer, threatening to break loose to destroy the world. My mind filled with ways to slay the beast, but grandpa made it plain and clear: the chains become stronger, more secure only with love – in personal acts and thoughts of goodwill, among all people, everywhere. As I grew, so did my understanding of his words. Pysanky prayer writing tightens the chains of evil, for it absorbs the mind in the light and love of God, creating a holy goodness in oneself that subtly uplifts and lovingly influences the world.”

“Where two or three are gathered together in my name, there am I in the midst of them.”

— Matthew 18:20”

Prayer, in any form of expression, is a vital, powerful way to manifest peace.


A Peace Affirming Prayer

Peace fills my mind and flows through all my thoughts.

Peace fills my heart and flows through all my love.

Peace fills my soul and goodwill flows to all.

Peace fills my being and permeates all my activities.

Peace within. Peace without. Peace everywhere.

Peace in my mind. Peace in my heart. Peace in my soul.

Peace in me. Peace in my home. Peace in my country. Peace in my world.

Peace everywhere.



Ukrainian folklore characterizes pysanky as a symbolic, talismanic writing that invokes a higher Universal Power for help, while believing with faithful certainty that It will. The contemporary version of this characterization is a paper-and-pen journaling practice called prayer writing that develops a personal relationship with God.



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