A Harvest Prayer


As summer fades into autumn’s splendor, expressions of gratitude for life’s abundance and goodness are somewhat expected occurrences. Finding the silver lining in the not-so-nice things that happen in life is a blessing truly worthy of gratitude.


prayer symbols

Wheat: A symbol for the harvest, the desired outcome of a prayer.

Rose: This devotional use of the symbol for God signifies heartfelt gratitude.

The flower’s green-leafed stem represents faith, positive thinking, optimism. The golden illumination of yellow signifies wisdom. Brown symbolizes the soul’s power of achievement, the attainment of the harvest.

The Harvest Prayer

Beloved Spirit,

With a heart filled with faith, I offer to Thee the flowers of my sincere gratitude for all that Thou has given. Manifest within me the wisdom to understand, the power to overcome all the unsettling obstacles in my path towards Thee, in my path towards success in life. Help me to find Thy grace, that silver lining, in all the cloudy circumstances that confront me. Fill me with Thy light and love.

Peace. Amen.

If life gives you lemons, make lemonade.

If life gives an optimist lemons, he or she makes lemonade.

If life gives an optimistic prayer-writer lemons, God is right there helping to make the lemonade.


Ukrainian folklore characterizes pysanky as a symbolic, talismanic writing that invokes a higher Universal Power for help, while believing with faithful certainty that It will. The contemporary version of this characterization is a paper-and-pen journaling practice called prayer writing that develops a personal relationship with God.



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