
Blog Post #10


“Be thankful for what you have; you’ll end up having more. If you concentrate on what you don’t have, you will never, ever have enough.

That’s because what you focus on expands.When you focus on the goodness in life, you will create more of it.”

– Oprah Winfrey


Writing down experiences of gratitude – an awareness of inner peace, an answered prayer, an unexpected gift, etc. – records the experience for future remembrance and it impresses the mind with a greater sense of well-being. Writing allows you to express gratitude with detailed focus. Concentrating on gratitude creates a spiritual force that facilitates positive change within the individual.

Gratitude, written on a pysanka, creates a visually beautiful reminder of it. Some prayer writers use a special box called a “treasure chest” to store the paper on which their gratitude is written. This is an easy way to reference your gratitude as well.

The pysanky illustrating Blog Post #8, #9 and this one, #10, represent examples of repetitively written expressions of devotion to God, of which gratitude is key. Repetitive writing awakens the tremendous potential of the soul and gradually influences human behavior to respond accordingly.


I am deeply grateful that Thou are always near me; that I can turn and find Thee everywhere; that Thou are constantly, lovingly, patiently, awaiting my return to Thee.

I am grateful, Lord, for the bountiful harvest that fills my table, and satisfies my need.

I am grateful, Lord, for the ever-expanding feeling of love within my heart.

In happy, joyful thanksgiving, I gratefully give Thy love to all.



“Thank you! If the only prayer you ever say in your life is ‘thank you’ that would suffice." – meister eckhart


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