Pysanky Symbol - Reindeer


The beauty of the Ukrainian landscape is reflected in the symbols written on pysanky.

Reindeer, which signify spiritual wealth, soul awareness, prosperity, success and well-being, is a favorite among these symbols. For pysanky-prayer writers, it is a symbol that is written to enrich a quality of life or to gain a virtuous attitude such as humility, patience, contentment or even-mindedness.


(The unknown author of the following poem expresses prayerfully the

inspiring ideals of faith and surrender to God.)

Please May I Hold Your Hand, Dear Lord

“Please may I hold your hand, dear Lord?

There’s a river of life that I must ford.

The way is hard and the road is steep,

I’ll need some help through the waters deep.”

I took God’s hand and on we went,

But I slipped and fell ere the day was spent.

We tried again but it didn’t work.

I lost my grasp and was often hurt.

Once more I called on the Lord for help.

I had failed in my tries to save myself.

“Dear Lord,” I cried, “you understand,

This time You had better hold my hand!”


The connection of the soul with God is reflected in the pairing of these Reindeer. Being made in God’s image, the soul seeks to express, inwardly and outwardly, its inherent divinity. The prayer of this pysanka petitions God for the intuitive clarity to achieve balanced material and spiritual success.

Black symbolizes an introspective reflection for personal advancement and

Red invokes the loving support of God for the prayer’s success.

Lace symbolizes the contemplative awareness of God, the source of all human powers, prosperity and acquirement; and invites God to be a part of the journey life.


"Repetitive exercises...have a soothing effect on our minds. they bore our restless thoughts and worries and make room for a more intuitive mindset."

—Professor Ralph Ammer, Munich University of Applied Sciences,

from the TEDx presentation: How Drawing Helps You Think.

Peace Affirming Prayer

Peace fills my mind and flows through all my thoughts.

Peace fills my heart and flows through all my love.

Peace fills my soul and goodwill flows to all.

Peace fills my being and permeates all my activities.

Peace within. Peace without. Peace everywhere.

Peace in my mind. Peace in my heart. Peace in my soul.

Peace in me. Peace in my home. Peace in my country. Peace in my world.

Peace everywhere.



Ukrainian folklore characterizes pysanky as a symbolic, talismanic writing that invokes a higher Universal Power for help, while believing with faithful certainty that It will. The contemporary version of this characterization is a paper-and-pen journaling practice called prayer writing that develops a personal relationship with God.



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