Cultivating Awareness


Want a great description of the role the ego plays in each of our lives, one that may seem very familiar? Benjamin Schaefer is a writer, editor and mindfulness instructor who says that disappointments in life can be overcome by "simply cultivating awareness.” In the mindfulness practice that he subscribes to, understanding the ego is key.


Excerpts from an article Benjamin Schaefer wrote in Poets and Writers magazine:

"The ego is the part of the mind that is engaged in a continuous commentary on the world around us and the events of our lives. Unlike the part of the mind that is capable of neutrally observing, the egoic mind constantly judges and assesses and busies itself by replaying and recasting events of the past or projecting and rehearsing events of the future.

"Neurobiologically, the egoic mind evolved to perform two functions: avoid pain and seek pleasure. However, the ego is relatively uninventive, because it has only one tactic by which it performs these two functions: It identifies a problem and then finds the solution. That's it, the only trick the ego has up its sleeve. But it performs this trick remarkably well...keeping us engaged...rooting out problems (or creating problems where there are none) for the sole purpose of finding that problem's solution — i.e. to avoid pain and increase pleasure.

"But here's the life-changing bit about the ego: The ego has no investment in peace. It is not interested in freedom. It is not interested in serenity or sustained relief. What the egoic mind wants more than anything is to stay in control. Which is why, once it has found the perceived solution to the problem it has sought out, the ego quickly goes to work searching for a new problem to solve. It is a cycle that never ends."


Although it’s not mention in the above article, understanding the soul is equally important. The soul, the neutral observer, thrives in peace and serenity and calmness.

The soul, made in the image and likeness of Spirit, is pure Divinity, the higher Self that possess all that Spirit is.

It has been said that to conquer the problematic darkness of ego’s restlessness, one must strive to manifest outwardly the qualities of the soul that affirm the light of Truth.

I am Bliss. I am Peace. I am Love. I am Joy.

I am happy. I am peaceful, I am content.

I am Bliss. I am Peace. I am Love. I am Joy.

I am fearless. I am forgiving. I am kind. I am compassionate.

I am Bliss. I am Peace. I am Love. I am Joy.

“Do this in remembrance of me.” —Jesus Christ, Corinthians 11:24


Peace Affirming Prayer

Peace fills my mind and flows through all my thoughts.

Peace fills my heart and flows through all my love.

Peace fills my soul and goodwill flows to all.

Peace fills my being and permeates all my activities.

Peace within. Peace without. Peace everywhere.

Peace in my mind. Peace in my heart. Peace in my soul.

Peace in me. Peace in my home. Peace in my country. Peace in my world.

Peace everywhere.



Ukrainian folklore characterizes pysanky as a symbolic, talismanic writing that invokes a higher Universal Power for help, while believing with faithful certainty that It will. The contemporary version of this characterization is a paper-and-pen journaling practice called prayer writing that develops a personal relationship with God.



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