God + Prayer = Action

Blog Post #19


Prayer writers know that the simple prayer, “God help me,” is very effective. So, how does the adage, “God helps those who help themselves” impact prayer?


Prayer Inspires Action

God’s grace is definitely treasure. Nothing is as sweet as seemingly effortless, answered prayer! But God has endowed each person with a soul — an inherent storehouse of unlimited, creative potential, of God’s own image and likeness. Within this potential is the power to understand and the power to overcome. To aid each person in accomplishing the goal of their prayer, God has given reason: an introspective reflection to determine appropriateness; feeling: a conscious discernment of right and wrong; and free will: the power to act to manifest the desired result.

Contemplating inspiring truth is important. Writing down inspiring truth elevates the level of its importance. But inspiring truth that is acted upon, that becomes a part of everyday life, is of the highest importance. The reason? Action transforms spiritual truth into realization. The conscious expression of truth makes it real.


“The life of the body is the soul; the life of the soul is God.”

— Saint Anthony of Padua



Hidden within the beauty of the pysanky is the secret of an ancient talismanic writing.


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