Bird of Paradise

Blog Post #16




Writing the “Bird of Paradise” pysanka (illustrated below) was a prayer-inspiring reminder of the soul and the secrets of its discovery.

Any person can discover the paradise of the indwelling soul. All that is necessary is a sincere willingness to make the effort. And ultimately, effort becomes joy.

The soul, symbolized in pysanka writing as the talismanic egg, is the loving, joyful, divinely peaceful image of all that God is within each person.

The discovery of the soul occurs in meditation when the devotionally interiorized mind, concentrating on Spirit, creates a quiet stillness. In this state of deep meditative calmness – a beautiful inner peacefulness – the seeker intuitively becomes aware of the soul and its unlimited potential.


The bird symbolizes the person intent on knowing the soul and its source in Spirit.

The bird’s wing, a symbol of flight, is relaxed. The bird is content in the perfect tranquility of meditative joy. White symbolizes intuition – the pure clarity of unerring soul-wisdom. Black, symbolizing introspection, supports intuition as it discerns right from wrong and aligns behavior with loving kindness. The necklace the bird wears serves as a reminder to softly speak only Truth.

The bird’s body represents the balance of spiritual and worldly activity.

Orange represents an infusion of soul-centered thought into daily activity. The underlying red symbolizes the eager pursuit of a higher purpose.

Above and below, the bird is surrounded by a turquoise ocean of awareness and the cosmic-blue heaven of an ever-expanding, wisdom-filled consciousness.

The bird’s spiral feathers are symbols of acquired blessings.

The “Bird of Paradise” has found true contentment in the deep meditative awareness of its higher Self. Free from worries, fears and negativity, the “bird” enjoys the newly discovered paradise of the soul.


“Know ye not that ye are the temple of God, and that the spirit of God dwelleth in you?”

I Corinthians 3:16



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